Menstruation occurs during the years between puberty and menopause. Menstruation, also called “menses” or a “period,” is the monthly flow of blood from the uterus through the cervix and out through the vagina. In general, women should have a period between 21 days to 35 days which lasts for 3-5 days. Menstrual Problems are those that affect a woman’s normal menstrual cycle.
What are the various types of menstrual problems ?
There are many variations in menstrual patterns indicating ovulation problems or other medical conditions.
They include
- cramps during menstruation
- abnormally heavy bleeding -more than 5 pads per day/more than seven days, presence of clots
- No flow or decreased flow (spots of blood)
- Bleeding in between cycles
- Late cycles –more than 35 days gap or Short cycles – less than 21 days gap
- No cycles at all
What are the causes?
- Stress and lifestyle factors
- Significant weight loss/Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Birth control pills
- Endocrine causes-Hypothyroidism
- Ovarian causes-Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Premature ovarian insufficiency
- Uterus causes– Fibroids, endometrial polyps, increased endometrial thickness
How can we prevent or correct?
Dietary changes. Such as reducing salt, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol intake before a woman’s period to reduce cramping and other symptoms
- Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising moderately and eating nutritio us food. If you need to lose weight, do so gradually rather than using diets that drastically limit your calorie and food intake.
- Make sure you get enough rest.
- Practice relaxation and stress reduction techniques.
- If you are an athlete, you need to cut back on long or strenuous exercise routine . Excessive physical activity can result in irregular periods.
- Use birth control pills or other contraceptives as directed.
- Change your tampons or sanitary napkin approximately every four to six hours to prevent.
- Toxic shock syndrome and infections.
- See a doctor for regular checkups.