Breast developments occur in different stages of life like before birth, puberty and during the childbearing years. Changes in breast occur during menstrual period and in menopause.The common breast problems are breast lumps, pain or tenderness and nipple discharge.
In the age 20-50 yrs are usually noncancerous
If you observed a lump before menstrual period then examine after your menstrual cycle ends as in this age group it is caused due to hormonal changes
If lump present after the menstrual cycle then consult doctor
If lump is increasing and you have weight loss or decreased appetite then you need to consult doctor it can be a cancer
Mostly pain is due to hormones that control menstrual period. If pain associated with menstrual problem then it is common and no need to worry but if pain is not associated with menstrual period then consult doctor
Wear a well fitted support or support bra, avoid caffeine and take low fat high carbohydrate food and take regular vitamin e supplements.
Having milky colour discharge from both nipples during first 2 years of pregnancy is common
Many women gets small amount of yellow , greenish or brownish discharge when squeezed is common
Spontaneous nipple discharge without squeezing which is clear and bloody is due to abnormal growth so consult doctor
Can tuberculosis effect the breasts?
Yes repeated infectious occur and it bursts and lead to sinuses or scars . Lesion is present and it progress to the tuberculosis ulcer over the skin and tuberculosis breast abscess with or without discharging sinuses. If you have repeated breast infections better rule out tuberculosis.