Anemia means “bloodlessness”
Globally anemia is very common in women of all age groups from adolescent to menopausal women, much more in pregnant females. 30% of women globally are anemic according to recent studies. The most common type of anemia worldwide and also in India is iron deficiency. Any chronic blood loss from the body leads to iron deficiency and finally anemia. As there is chronic blood loss in all women from attaining menarche to menopause in the form of menstrual bleed, women are more prone to get iron deficiency anemia.
Other causes of anemia include nutritional deficiency, round worm infestations in the intestines, gastric ulcer diseases, piles, cancers etc.
Other type of anemia that is common is vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. This vitamin is a B-complex group of vitamin which helps in formation of red blood cells in the body. If there is this vitamin deficiency it also leads to anemia. Rich source of vitamin B12 is present in animal protein, so strict vegetarians and vegans are mainly affected with vitamin B12 deficiency.
What are the foods rich in iron ?
Food like peanuts, wallnuts, jaggery, beet root, carrots, eggs, millets like ragi, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds etc.